Our editable PDF is your helper to keep your website’s vital access information secure and accessible.

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Website downtime adds
to cheap hosting plans

Choosing the right website hosting is more than just a technical decision—it's a strategic investment in your business's digital future. While it might be tempting to opt for a less expensive hosting solution, the true cost of such a decision...
This image shows the front of a shop, with two windows. Each window has a shutter over them, showing the business is closed. This shows the similarity between a physical shop and a website that appears closed.

Website access: a cautionary tale

What happens when your website - a critical asset - becomes inaccessible? Recently, Kicking Pixels embarked on a challenging journey with a client who found themselves in this exact predicament, shedding light on the importance of digital access and control....
This images shows the keypad on a safe, it's important to know how to access your website

How to protect your
website from a DDoS

DDoS or "Distributed Denial of Service" attacks are becoming increasingly common, rising by 31% year on year in the first quarter of 2021. They are also becoming more sophisticated. In recent years. DDoS incidents have been elevated from the status...
Top website security | Kicking Pixels

How constant web
health checks can
benefit your business

Business owners are sometimes put off by the idea of ongoing website maintenance. They may think that handling the process on an in-house basis is too much of a drain on their time and their resources, and they may feel...
Dependable website maintenance company | Kicking Pixels

Improve performance with regular website audits

Running a regular website audit can help diagnose what’s working well for your website, and what needs to be improved.
website audit, website performance, website optimisation - Kicking Pixels

Is your website loading securely?

77% of Australian online shoppers and browsers avoid sites that aren't secure, and this could have a significant impact on your business online.
Website Security - Kicking Pixels
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